PFRM30 vertical mill
User manual

Jiangsu Pengfei Group Co., Ltd.
目 录
第一部分 概述
Part One Summarize
第二部分 结构介绍及安装
Part Two Structure Introduction and Installation
一、结构及工作原理Structure and working principle
二、技术参数及性能Technical parameters and performance
三、设备安装Equipment installation
四、液压及润滑系统的酸洗安装Acid pickling installation of hydraulic and lubrication systems
第三部分 PFRM30立式磨调试及使用
Part Three Commissioning & usage of PFRM30 cement vertical roller mill
二、磨机分部件试运行Sub-components test run of mill
三、立式磨整机空负荷试运行Non- load test run of vertical mill
四、立式磨带负荷试运行Load test run of vertical mill
五、人员培训Staff training
六、磨机操作Operation of mill
七、可能出现的问题及解决办法Possible problems and solutions
八、系统操作System Operation
第四部分 PFRM30立式磨维护及检修
Part Four Maintenance and overhaul of PFRM30 vertical mill
二、磨机的维护保养及检修Maintenance and repair of mill
三、润滑表Lubrication table
第一部分 概述
Part One Summarize
PFRM30 vertical mill is one of honor products of Jiangsu Pengfei Group Co., Ltd., through many years of production practice tests for this vertical mill, product performance continuously improved, gradually entered the international advanced level of similar products, won the majority of users at home and abroad.
PFRM30 vertical mill is drying and grinding equipment with high technical performance, mainly used in cement grinding, it can also be widely used in building materials, light industry, chemical industry, power generation and other industries. The vertical mill is with high efficiency, low power consumption, large feeding size, product fineness is easy to adjust, equipment process is simple, small covering area, low noise, small fugitive dust, use and maintenance are simple, low costs for operating, less consumption for wear material and other advantages. In addition, the vertical mill also has the following unique features:
Move the roller out of the mill by the hydraulic unit, replace the roller sleeve lining and large maintenance space of mill, maintenance operations is very convenient.
Grinding roller sleeve can be used upside down, extending the life of wear-resistant materials.
Material layer is not required to form on the table before starting the mill, and mill can be start with non-load, eliminating worries of difficulty of starting.
Adopt limiting device of grinding roller, avoid the severe shock caused by breaking material during operation of mill.
Adopt the sealing device of new grinding roller, the sealing is more reliable and sealing fan is not required.
Grinding roller bearing adopts oil - immersed lubrication, eliminating the external circulation lubrication.
Adopt external circulation system, reduce wind speed at the wind ring, reduce exhaust fan power of vertical mill, improve the mill's start-up and shutdown conditions, and reduce time of clearing material during maintenance
第二部分 结构介绍及安装
Part two. Structure instruction and installation
一、 结构及工作原理
I. Structure and working principle
(i) Structure (see below picture)
As the new type energy saving grinding equipment, the working principle of PFRM vertical mill is as follows.
The motor drives reducer to drive the mill disk rotate. The material to be ground is fed to the rotating mill disk center by air lock feeder. The material moves to the mill disk circum and enters into grinding roller way under the effect of centrifugal force. Meanwhile, the hot air upward sprays uniformly at high speed from the air ring around mill disk. The ground material is blown by high speed air flow at air ring. The coarse material is blown to mill disk for regrinding. The suspended material is dried and the fine powder is fed to separator for grading by hot air. The qualified fine powder discharged from mill along with air flow and collected by dust collector is the product. The unqualified coarse powder re-falls to the mill disk under the effect of separator blade and is reground with new fed material. This process cycles until the grinding work is completed.
(ii) Structural type and technical feature of main part
1.传动装置 Driving device
The drive device of vertical mill contains main motor, coupling and reducer. It is installed in the bottom of the mill. It need to not only drive the mill disk to drive, but also bear the weight of mill disk, material and mill roller as well as grinding pressure brought by pressure device. It is one of the most important parts of vertical mill. Lubrication system adopts independent oil station with oil pressure and temperature automatic protection system to make the whole device work safely and reliably. This type of reducer has small volume, light weight, large reduction ratio and high driving efficiency. The structure and working principle etc. please refer to
2.碾磨装置 Grinding device
Mill disk and mill roller are important grinding parts. The shape design of the grinding device must make the material form material bed with uniform and stable thickness on the mill disk, so reasonable mill disk shape matched with suitable mill roller has very important effect in steadying material layer, improving grinding efficiency and reducing grinding consumption. Through a mass of researching and analogy, we use disk type mill disk and tyre type roller shell. Roller shell is symmetrical structure. It can be turn-over used after a certain wear to extend its service lift. The retention rings are located around the mill disk to adjust the thickness of material layer.
3.加压装置 Pressure device
Pressure device adopts automatic or manual control system to impose and control its force to material. It can automatically adjust pressure according to the change of material grindability thus the mill always runs under the most economic conditions to reduce idle work consumption and extend the service life of roller shell and lining plate. Meanwhile, the buffer action of energy accumulator makes the hydraulic cylinder have large elasticity imposing pressure and adjust automatically. When meet large and hard sundries, the mill roller can jump to avoid damage caused by grinding part and driving device undertaking over load.
4.限位装置 Limit device
The unique limit device of vertical mill can make the mill start under load. The gap between mill roller and mill disk can be adjusted. It can keep stable thickness of material layer, improve grinding efficiency, and ensure the mill roller and mill disk not contact directly under unnormal conditions such as material interrupt to avoid mill vibration thus protect reducer.
5.分离装置 Separating device
The separator is a dynamic separator with mechanical drive and adjustable rotating speed. The cone rotor rotates in high speed and the blade impacts coarse particle to provide large circular velocity to the material and generate large centrifugal force to separate the material. The fine particle can be discharged from mill through the gap between separator blades and collected by dust collector. This separator has high grading efficiency and large adjusting scope.
6.磨辊装置 Grinding roller device
Grinding roller device adopts a pair of self-aligning roller bearings. During design, make equal lift calculating for bearing. The seal chamber of bearing extends to the outside of mill shell. It doesn’t contact dust air so simple packing seal can ensure no dust enter into grinding roller bearing. Grinding roller is designed as slope installation and impacted by wedge shape ring to make the roller shell change easily.
7.磨机壳体及机架 Mill shell and frame
Vertical mill’s shell divides into upper shell, lower shell and frame. Each part is connected by bolt. The lower shell is welded on three frames.
二、 技术参数及性能
II. Technical parameter and performance
㈠、 主要技术参数
(i) Main technical parameter
规格型号:Specification and type: PFRM30
磨盘中径:Mill disk intermediate diameter: φ2800
磨辊直径:Grinding roller diameter: φ1900mm
磨辊数量:Grinding roller no.: 3个
磨盘转速: Mill disk rotating speed: 28.5r/min
最大入料粒度:Max. feed size: ≤50mm
入磨物料水份:Material inlet moisture: ≤10%
产品细度:Product fineness 比表面积 Specific surface area ≥380m2/kg
产 量:Output: ≥65t/h
产品水份:Product moisture: ≤1.0%
入磨风温:Inlet air temperature: ≤350℃
出磨风温:Outlet air temperature: 80~90℃
出磨风量:Outlet air volume: 200000m3/h
磨机压降: Mill pressure drop: 5500~7500Pa
液压系统工作压力:Hydraulic system working pressure: 8~12Mpa
磨机外形尺寸:Mill overall dimension: 长:Length: 12000mm
宽:Width: 9380mm
高:Height: 13433mm
磨机总重量:Mill total weight: 328000kg
㈡、 主电机
(ii) Main motor
型号:Type: YRKK710-6
功率:Power: 1800KW
频率:Frequency: 60Hz
转速:Rotating speed: 1192r/min
电压:Voltage: 10KV
防护等级:Protection grade: IP54
㈢、 主减速机
(iii) Main reducer
Manufacturer: NGC
型 号:Type: MLX200
数 量:Qty.: 1台set
传动功率:Driving power: 1800kW
速 比:Speed ratio: 41.8
额定轴向推力:Rated axial thrust: 5100kN
最大轴向推力:Max. axial thrust: 16600kN
服务系数: Service factor ≥2.5AGMA
Rotating direction: look at it from above, thrust disk rotates clockwise
Lubricating oil inlet and outlet oil tube side direction: people stands at input shaft end and faces to reducer, two oil inlets, one oil outlet
(iv) High and low thin oil station and auxiliary oil tank
型 号:Type: XGD-C160-500
Manufacturer: Sichuan Chuanrun Group Hydraulic Lubrication Co., Ltd.
润滑油量:Lubrication oil volume: 500L/min(低压部分low pressure part);160L/min(高压部分high pressure part)
润滑油压:Lubrication oil pressure高压:High pressure: 32MPa; 低压:Low pressure: 0.2~0.4MPa
Lubrication oil quality: N320 medium load industrial gear oil
环境温度:Ambient temperature: -20℃ ~ +40℃
冷却水量:Cooling water consumption: 30m3/h
冷却水温:Cooling water temperature ≤28℃,
Work shift: 100% working load, continuous working 24 hours everyday
(v) Separator
电机型号:Motor type: YVF355M-6
电机功率:Motor power: 160KW
频率:Frequency: 60Hz
电机转速:Motor rotating speed: 0~1200r/min
减速机型号:Reducer type: B2SV07
旋转方向: 从上往下看,输出轴为顺时针方向旋转
Rotating direction: look at it from above, output shaft rotates clockwise
减速机比:Reducer speed ratio: 5.6
润滑油: 320#工业齿轮油
Lubrication oil: 320# industrial gear oil
(vi) Hydraulic system
液压泵电机功率:Hydraulic pump motor power: 18.5KW
工作压力:Working pressure: ≤12MPa
最大压力:Max. pressure: 20MPa
流量:Flow rate: 58L/min
液压油: N46抗磨液压油
Hydraulic oil: N46 antiwear hydraulic oil
油箱容积:Oil tank volume: L
III. Equipment installation
(i) Preparatory work
1. 水平测量仪;Horizontal measuring gauge
2. 框式水平仪(精度0.02mm/M);Frame level meter (accuracy 0.02mm/M)
3. 起重设备,各种常用工具;Hoisting equipment, kinds of general tools
4. 塞尺Filler gauge(0.05~1.00mm);
5. 垫铁Sizing block(规格specification 300×200×25)、楔铁若干some wedges(用户自备user provides);
6. 基础划线:Foundation lineation
Firstly, clean the equipment foundation. There should be no water, wood block, gravel inside the foundation bolt hole. For the tight combination of secondary grouting, the foundation surface should be roughened and the circum should be filled and leveled up as well as tamped.
Secondly, check and accept the equipment foundation according to the construction layout drawing, installation drawing and equipment actual dimension. The content includes checking if the centerline and elevation point provided by the construction company is correct, and checking foundation overall dimension, foundation elevation dimension, foundation bolt hole’s physical dimension and mutual position dimension according to equipment and process drawing.
According to the coordinate position in design drawing, measure equipment foundation centerline by steel tape and fix the vertically and horizontally centerline on center board or mark it out on the foundation by chalk line. Pay attention to keep it during installation.
(ii) Installation work
According to the requirement of PFRM320 vertical mill foundation drawing, check if the foundation hole position and reserved hole dimension can fit the equipment.
Check equipment foundation hole dimension and coordinate each foundation hole’s deviation to confirm relative center.
3.传动装置的安装:Driving device installation
Find out ±0.00 plane according to construction working drawing to make mill installation elevation conform to the requirement of process working drawing.
Firstly install reducer base and perforate foundation bolt hole. The bolt should be in the raw and in the center of each foundation hole.
The installation of main reducer and its base is the core of the whole installation. The installation of other parts must take main reducer center as datum. Therefore, the location of main reducer should be accurate. Main reducer center should coincide with foundation center and the deviation is not more than ±5.0mm.
During installation of main reducer base, a group of sizing blocks no more than 4 pieces should be put at the side of each foundation bolt. Among them, there is a pair of wedge liners. The length of wedge liner came out of base is about 30mm. Each sizing block should closely fit sizing block and base. The foundation bolt should naturally fall in the hole without touching hole bottom and wall. The bolt should come out of nut 2-3 threads.
Before foundation bolt grouting, wet the hole wall with water and recheck if the base position and elevation are correct. During grouting, tamp the concrete to avoid foundation bolt deflect. After grouting, make water maintenance everyday till the concrete strength reaches to specified 75%.
When screw up foundation bolt, make every foundation bolt get uniform force. Must use sizing block to adjust base level must not screw up or relax foundation bolt to adjust. The levelness should reach to 0.1mm/m. After completing, spot weld between sizing block and sizing block as well as sizing block and base to fix them.
When connect main reducer and base, pre-install locating pin and then install connecting bolt. When screw up bolt, make each bolt get uniform force.
When install main motor, firstly connect main motor and base plate by bolt and add pad about 2.0mm between main motor and base plate. Put a group of sizing blocks at the side of each foundation bolt. The foundation bolt should naturally fall in the hole to make main motor center align to main reducer center. After locating, grout inside the foundation hole and tamp it. After the concrete strength reaches to specified 75% through water maintenance, screw up foundation bolt and adjust level by sizing block to make main coupling reach specified requirement (see
When install main motor and reducer, the radial run-out of coupling should be no more than 0.1mm, the end face run out should be no more than 0.08mm and the distance between two couplings is 8-10mm (details see reducer installation instruction).
4.下壳体、磨盘安装:Lower shell and mill disk installation
Due to hoisting and transporting of PFRM30 vertical mill frame and lower shell, they should be welded on site and installed according to MARK of each part made by manufacturer.
Lower shell installation should take reducer output shaft centerline as datum. The deviation between two centerlines should be no more than ±2.0mm.
将机架部分按上面标记吊装到相应基础上,按图纸要求确定三个机架的正确位置,用连接杆将三个机架初步连接在一起, 地脚螺栓挂好。
Hoist the frame according to MARK to the corresponding foundation. Confirm the correct locations of three frames. Preliminarily connect three frames together by connecting rod and hang foundation bolts.
(2)、将下壳体吊装到机架上 Hoist lower shell to the frame
Use cross antenna to confirm the concentricity between shell center and reducer output shaft centerline. Weld frame and lower shell together. The welding line is continuous fillet weld. The welding line height is 15-20mm. The groove type and dimension should conform to the requirement of GB985-88.
The mill disk is lightly hoisted on the reducer. Align and install locating pin, and uniformly screw up connecting bolt. Make the radial clearance between mill disk and air ring basic uniform by adjusting the position of lower shell (the deviation should be no more than ±2.0mm, choose 8 symmetric points along the mill disk circum to check). Meanwhile, check if the axial distance between lower shell upper flange and mill disk upper end face can meet installation requirements. The axial distance between PRM2800 vertical mill lower shell upper flange and mill disk upper end face is designed as 45mm. It can be adjusted by adjusting sizing block.
Make one time grouting for frame’s foundation bolt.
Accurately adjust lower shell level (that is the level of 6 bearing seats) after 7 days. The height deviation of 6 bearing seats should be no more than 2mm.
最后拧紧地脚螺栓。Screw up foundation bolt at last.
5.上壳体、磨辊及传动臂的安装 Installation of upper shell, grinding roller and transmission arm
Hoist upper shell on lower shell according to equipment drawing requirement. Align and fasten connecting bolt with uniform force. Hoist the assembled grinding roller and transmission arm on the bearing seat of lower shell frame. Lightly put the grinding roller on the mill disk. Coat lubrication grease on sliding bearing and screw up connecting bolt of bearing seat and then install the sealing door of grinding roller. Pay attention to the leakproofness of sealing during installation.
6.限位装置及分离器的安装 Installation of limit device and separator
Assemble limit device in advance. Take it to the place according to the dimensional requirement of equipment foundation drawing and screw out limit bolt to make it contact with limit head. Align and grout foundation bolt to fix it. After the mortar solidified, screw up foundation bolt. Then screw out limit bolt again to make the distance between grinding roller and mill disk in 5-10mm. Next install separator. Hoist assembled separator on upper shell and align. Screw up connecting bolt with uniform force and pay attention to strictly seal the flange mating face.
7.加压装置的安装 Installation of pressure device
Take the assembled pressure device to the place according to drawing requirement. Align after connecting it with mill body. Check the center hole distance between working cylinder and inspection cylinder according to drawing requirement. Grout foundation bolt to fix it and screw up bolt after the mortar solidified.
8.液压系统及润滑系统的安装 Installation of hydraulic system and lubrication system
As per the actual condition on site of equipment installation, prepare all kinds of oil pipe for hydraulic system and lubrication system. Blow the pipe hole by compressed air and clean up strictly. Respectively assemble and install as requirements.
When make pipelines, the welding line should be continuous and tight. After finish them, each section of pipelines should be blown repeatedly by compressed air and cleaned by diluted hydrochloric acid and at last cleaned carefully by cleaning oil. When install the oil return pipeline from main reducer to lubrication station, the pipeline should have the slope ≧3/100 to make the oil return smoothly. The connecting flange on lubrication pipeline and pipe connection on hydraulic pipeline should be sealed tightly without oil leakage. Use high pressure hose for the connecting part of hydraulic pipeline and main oil cylinder or inspection oil cylinder. The energy accumulator can be fixed on the mill lower frame near oil cylinder by support. Hydraulic pipeline should be fixed by pipe clamp at a distance of about 2m.
At last, make secondary grouting to the whole equipment foundation (pre-embed drainage pipe inside two frames of lower shell).
IV. Acid cleaning of hydraulic and lubrication system
The first step of hydraulic pipeline installation is pre-installation (piping) and the second step is formal installation. Pre-installation is to make preparation of formal installation. It is a necessary step to ensure installation quality.
Fabricate on site according to hydraulic principle drawing and pipeline installation drawing.
(i). Pre-installation (piping)
The hydraulic pipeline system of PFRM vertical mill usually uses seamless steel tube and high pressure hose etc.
As per process design and actual condition on site, firstly confirm the location of hydraulic station.
3. 配管,管接头和主管焊接要平直,焊缝要均匀,不得有气孔、裂纹等影响管路压力泄漏的缺陷存在,条件允许的厂家应进行压力试验。
The welding of piping, pipe connection and main pipe should be straight. The welding line should be uniform without defect such as air hole or crack which may cause pipeline pressure leakage. The manufacturer should take pressure test if he has such ability.
Mark each pipe and discharge for cleaning.
5.酸洗 Acid cleaning
一般按下列程序进行 Common process
Degrease-water washing-acid cleaning-neutralize-water washing-dry by dry air-coat hydraulic oi
具体步骤如下:Detailed steps are as follows.
Beat the oil pipe point to point especially to the welded part by hammer to clean up oxide skin inside pipeline as well as welding slag and burr.
Pour sodium hydroxide solution with 8-10% concentration into oil pipe for 3-4 hours and then use water to wash.
Pour hydrochloric acid or phosphoric acid solution with 15% concentration into oil pipe for 6-8 hours. Then pour out acid solution and pour soda solution with 10% concentration into oil pipe for 1 hour. After that, use water to wash and dry by compressed air and then pour into machine oil for 1 hour.
Dry by dry air.
(ii) Formal installation
1. 酸洗后的管道按原作记号安装回原处,并用相应的管卡固定。
Install the acid cleaned pipeline to the original place as per marks and fix it by corresponding pipe clamp.
Connect high pressure hose and energy accumulator.