The 600t / d active lime rotary lime kiln project 1、 工程概况Engineering Overview600t/d活性石灰回转石灰窑工程 Technical proposal specification 技术方案说明书 ![]() Tenderer:Jiangsu Pengfei Group Co., Ltd 投标单位:江苏鹏飞集团股份有限公司 November 2021 二〇二一年十一月 Catalogue 1.1项目名称 project name 1.2建设规模与产品方案Construction scale and product plan 1.3生产方法Methods of production 1.4设计依据 Design basis 1.5设计的指导思想和主要原则Guiding ideology and main principles of design 1.6主要技术指标The key technical indexes 2、工厂建设条件Factory construction conditions 2.1 原、燃料材料资源Raw and fuel material resources 2.2燃料条件Fuel conditions 2.3供电Power supply 2.4供水Water supply 2.5厂区自然条件Natural conditions of the plant 3、工艺设计方案Process design scheme 3.1生产方案、规模及产品性能Production scheme, scale, and product performance 3.2产品性能 Product property 3.3物料平衡、各种物料的储存、主机设备及工作制度表 Material balance, storage of various materials, host equipment and work schedule 3.4工艺流程描述Process flow description 3.5主要设备说明Main equipment instructions 4、总图及输送General diagram and delivery 4.1总平面布置原则General layout principles 4.2竖向布置Vertical layout 4.3交通运输Traffic 4.4绿化布置Green layout 5、电气电信Electrical telecommunications 5.1电气Electrical 6、给水排水Water supply and drainage 7、热力及通风Heat and ventilation 8、仪表自动化Instrument automation 9、建筑结构 Building structure 10、职工定员Staff and workers 11、环境保护与综合治理Environmental protection and comprehensive governance 12、劳动安全卫生 Safety and hygiene of labour 13、消防 Extinguishing and protection 目 录 1、工程概况 Project Overview 1.1 项目名称Project name600t/d活性石灰回转石灰窑工程600tpd active lime rotary kiln project1.2 建设规模与产品方案Construction scale and product plan1.2.1建设规模Construction scale: 600tpd(出冷却器全灰Out of the cooler full lime 600tpd)活性石灰生产线。配套日产210吨氧化钙粉磨生产线及日产240t熟石灰生产线Supporting 210 ton calcium oxide grinding production line and 240t ripe lime production line。1.2.2 产品方案Product plan:活性石灰active lime 10-40mm块灰block lime、150um氧化钙粉、氢氧化钙粉Calcium oxide powder, calcium hydroxide powder 单位产品石灰石料耗Limestone material consumption per unit product(石灰石筛余量10%):≈1.96kg/kg 石灰Limestone sieve allowance of 10%):≈1.96kg/kg lime 1.3 生产方法 Methods of production(1)本项目采用天然气作为燃料。采用带竖式预热器、竖式冷却器的回转窑煅烧系统,年运转天数 330 天。Natural gas is used as the fuel for the Project.Adopt a rotary kiln calcination system with vertical preheater and vertical cooler, with annual operating days of 330 days.(2)生石灰粉:产能为210吨/天,细度为150um,新建一条10吨/时欧版磨氧化钙粉生产线。Raw lime powder: production capacity of 210 tons / day, fineness of 150um, a new 10 tons / hour European-Type grinding calcium oxide powder production line. (3)氢氧化钙粉:产能为240吨/天(10吨/小时生产线),新建一条10吨/小时氢氧化钙生产线。Calcium hydroxide powder: with a production capacity of 240 tons / day (10 tons / hour production line), and a new 10 tons / hour calcium hydroxide production line. 1.4 设计依据 Design basis1.4.1本项目技术规格书Technical specifications of the Project。1.4.2发包方提供的有关本项目设计资料Design data of the Project provided by the Employer。 1.4.3中国或工厂所在地国家有关政策、法规Relevant policies and regulations of China or the country where the factory is located。 1.5 设计的指导思想和主要原则Guiding ideology and main principles of design1.5.1采用成熟、可靠的新工艺、新技术,做到既技术先进,又经济合理、切实可靠Adopt mature and reliable new process, new technology, to achieve both advanced technology, reasonable, practical and reliable。1.5.2加强环保治理,贯彻国家环保政策。采用高效除尘设施,使之符合国家与企业所在地的环保标准。除尘灰全部回收利用。设计中减少物料的转运及落差,对所有扬尘点采用分区域集中收尘,严格落实国家的有关环保政策和标准,做到达标排放。We will strengthen environmental protection governance and implement national environmental protection policies.Adopt efficient dust removal facilities to meet the environmental protection standards of the state and enterprise location.Dust dust ash is be recycled.In the design, reduce the transfer and drop of materials, adopt regional centralized dust collection for all dust points, and strictly implement the relevant national environmental protection policies and standards, so as to meet the emission standards. 1.5.3在保证生产工艺合理流畅的基础上,充分的考虑到原料与成品的运进、运出的线路以及各管线的走向,综合考虑中央控制室、原料与产品储库、水处理系统等的布置情况,总图布置紧凑、美观、整洁,减少占地面积,缩短管线距离及物料的搬运距离,以减少工程总投资On the basis of ensuring reasonable and smooth production process, fully considering the raw materials and finished lines and the route of the pipeline, comprehensively consider the central control room, raw materials and product storage, water treatment system, etc., the overall layout is compact, beautiful, clean, reduce the area, shorten the pipeline distance and material handling distance, to reduce the total investment of the project。 1.5.4简化工艺流程,减少输送环节,有效的节约能源,降低消耗Simplify the process s, reduce the transmission link, effectively save energy, reduce consumption。 1.5.5电气和自动化控制,既考虑到技术先进、控制水平要求先进,又考虑到设备和仪器、仪表的稳定、成熟、可靠、实用,以稳定生产,确保产品质量Electrical and automatic control, considering both the advanced technology and the advanced control level requirements, and the stable, mature, reliable and practical use of equipment and instruments, instruments, so as to stabilize production and ensure product quality。 1.5.6在设备选型时,在“可靠实用、节约投资、技术先进、节能降耗” 的原则基础上,规格、型号统一,以便生产管理和减少备件的种类和数量In the selection of equipment, on the basis of the principle of "reliable, practical, investment saving, advanced technology, energy saving, and consumption reduction", specifications and models are unified, so that production management and reduce the type and quantity of spare parts。 1.6 主要技术指标 The key technical indexes表 1.1 主要技术经济指标序号No.项 目Project单位Unit年产量Annual output备注Remark一生产规模 production capacitytpd600 活性石灰Active lime10000t/a19.8 1. 块状活性石灰(10~40mm)lumps lime(10~40mm)10000t/a6.93210tpd×330d =69300ton 2. 石灰粉(150µm) Lime powder(150µm) 10000t/a6.93210tpd×330d =69300ton 3. 氢氧化钙(325目)calcium hydroxide(0.045mm)10000t/a5.94180tpd×330d =59400ton 二原燃材料消耗量Consumption of raw materials and fuel 1. 石灰石(石灰石筛余10%)Limestone (10%)10000t/a38.8 2.烧成用天然气(热值8500kcal)Natural Gas for Burning (Heat Value 8,500 k c a l)10000m3/a2970 三石灰生产方法Lime production method竖式预热器+回转窑+竖式冷却器Vertical preheater + rotary kiln + vertical cooler四主要生产设备Main production equipment 1. 竖式预热器Vertical preheaterset1 2. 回转窑Rotary kilnset1 3. 竖式冷却器Vertical coolerset1 五全厂指标Indicators of the whole factory 1. 总装机容量 Total motor powerkW3950 2. 耗水量(循环量)Water consumption (circulation quantity)m3/d50 2. 压缩空气耗量(可用氮气)Compressed air consumption (available nitrogen)m3/min28.6 六单位产品指标Unit product index 1. 石灰料耗Lime material consumptionkg/kg1.78 3.热耗 fuel consumptionkcal/kg1200 3. 系统电耗System power consumptionkWh/t42 2、工厂建设条件Factory construction conditions2.1、原、燃材料资源Raw materials, fuel resources原料条件Raw material conditions本项目原料采用外购石灰石,石灰石成分如下表 The raw materials of the Project are purchased limestone, limestone composition in the following table 表 2.1 石灰石性能指标表(%) Table 2.1 Limestone performance indicators Table (%) 化学成分Chemical compositionCaOMgOSiO2PS含量(%)Content (%)≥53≤3≤2.0≤0.01≤0.025粒度 Fineness;20~40mm,Less than 20mm ≤5%,Greater than 40mm ≤5% 2.2、燃料条件Fuel conditions本项目采用天然气作为燃料,天然气热值8500Kcal/m3 Natural gas is used as fuel and the gas is 8500Kcal/m3.。2.3、供电;Power supply由发包方提供二路10kV 独立电源至10kV 配电所高压柜进线端,采用送电制, 电源容量满足一座石灰生产线用电需要。The Employer shall provide two lines 10kV independent power supply to the incoming end of high voltage cabinet of 10kV distribution station. The power transmission system is adopted and the power capacity meets the power needs of a lime production line.2.4、供水本工程循环水由业主提供,能够满足生产线使用。发包方将水源送至石灰窑单元红线外一米The circulating water of the Project is provided by the Owner and can meet the production line.The Employer sends the water source one meter outside the red line of the lime kiln unit.。2.5、厂区自然条件Natural conditions of the plant(Provided by Owner) |
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