2500t/d cement production line in Turkey contracted by Jiangsu Pengfei is builting
Newstime:2017/12/6 16:51:31 Click:
Turkey 2500t/d cement production line project, undertaken by Jiangsu Pengfei group in October 2016 signed a contract, the total amount of $about 50000000. In 2017, the company organized the equipment manufacturing and equipment package, and organized the delivery in three batches. At present, the construction is progressing smoothly in the construction of the project, and we will strive to be completed and put into operation by next May.
The picture is the non standard production and installation of the main building project of the kiln house
Two large cement mill hoisting construction
Raw material vertical grinding is basically in place
The vast construction personnel overcome various difficulties, cooperate with the owner side by side, formulate a thorough installation plan, ensure the project construction progress. High quality service, win the customer's trust and support!
鹏飞集团紧跟国家"一带一路"战略部署,积极开拓非洲、中东、东南亚、中亚等新兴市场, 鹏飞集团作为省内最大的建材设备供应商和水泥工程总承包企业,紧跟国家"走出去"战略,积极在"一带一路"、"互联互通"、"国际产能合作"中寻找机遇,深耕东南亚、中亚、西亚以及中东欧市场,加快推进已签约项目的实施,一批水泥生产线和粉磨站总承包项目集中竣工投产并完成交付验收。