1.签订合同后,以电汇形式甲方付给乙方合同总价值的30%(即 万美元)合同生效.其中甲方在签订合同后7个工作日内以电汇形式付给乙方 万美元,作为初步设计费。在签订合同30个工作日内,并提供下列资料后, 甲方以电汇形式付剩余 万美元给乙方.
30% (twenty four percent, that is million US dollars) of the Contract value as down payment by T/T will be effected to Party B by Party A documents: payment value shall be paid by Party A toParty B for the preliminary design payment by T/T within 7 working days of signing the contract , the left million US dollars shall be paid by Party A to Party B by T/T within 30 working days of signing the contract, against following。
2.First shipment payment第一批发货款
甲方以电汇形式付给乙方合同总价格的30%(即 万美元)作为第一批发货款.
30% (thirty six percent, that is million US dollars) of contract value
shall be paid by Party A to Party B by T/T as first shipment payment
3.second shipment payment 第二批发货款
40% (forty percent, that is million US dollars) of contract value
shall be paid by Party A to Party B by T/T as shipping payment。其中:乙方开具合同总额的10%银行保函给甲方, Among them:A bank guarantee worth 10% (ten percent,that is million US
dollars) of the contract value shall be paid by Party B to Party A.
Project period: the contract become effective 20 months complete equipment installation, commissioning and trial production.